Friday, November 16, 2012

Day 28 - 14 November 2012

14 Nov 2012 - This is my last blog entry.  I viewed my MicroAquarium™, which had many floating carcasses, a plethora of water fleas, an increase in nematodes and Loxophyllium sp.  Dr. McFarland and I did find two different organisms: Centropyxis sp. (Picture 1) and Halteria sp. (Picture 2).  We continued to scan but we didn't see any other new organisms.  My aquarium went through what I believe is a typical life cycle; slow growth at the beginning while they were getting established, then increased growth, then as the food supply decreased organism growth and reproduction had a corresponding reduction.  My MicroAquarium™ organisms were released into their larger containers where hopefully the survivors will continue to prosper.
Picture 1.  Centropyxis sp. A testate amoeba with a flattened surface and a single aperature near the anterior end (Patterson, 1996). 

Picture 2.  Halteria sp. A rounded cell, which moves in a bounding motion due to the absorption and expulsion of water (Patterson, 1996).


Patterson DJ. 1996. Free-Living Freshwater Protozoa: A Colour Guide. Washington DC: ASM Press. 95 p. and 155 p.

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